霍 峰 男,安徽淮北人,中共党员,博士(后),教授(2017年特聘),西华师大化学化工学院硕导(2018年)、成都大学材料系硕导(2019年6月)。2011年6月毕业四川大学化学学院分析化学专业,获理学博士学位。现任内江师范学院化学学院分析化学教授,兼校分析测试中心主任(2015年),微纳米智能生物医药材料及载体开发工程实验室主任(市级工程实验室,2016)。2017年入选内江市首批人才发展“三百计划”创新个人、2018年入选内江市第二届学科带头人、内江市经信委项目评审专家,2019年受聘为内江市国家级高新区创新创业导师,2020年入选四川省分析测试学会光谱专委会第八届委员。英国皇家化学会RSC Analytical Methods 特约审稿人,澳大利亚化学杂志 Australia Journal of Chemistry审稿人。
曾参与主研重大疾病小分子纳米传感课题、主研国家自科重大面上仪器专项1项,主持省部级3项、市厅级3项、校级3项;刊发ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, J Mater Sci,Analyst,J Chromatogr A等高质量SCI 论文20余篇、授权/公开发明专利18项;成果转化3项:
3 四川省教育厅基础应用研究项目(重点,2015ZA0286),结题;
1、Feng Huo, Wenqiong Li, Yuhang Liu, Xiaohong Liu*, Chong-Yew Lee, andWei Zhang, Review of long wavelength luminescent carbon-basednanomaterials: preparation, biomedical applicationand future challenges, J Mater Sci, 2021, 56, 2814–2837(二区)
2、FengHuo, Tingwan, YaohuiWang, YuhangLiu, PranGopalKarmaker,XiupeiYang, Enhancedlight-emitting diodeinduced fluorescencedetectionsystem withcapillaryelectrophoresis, J Chromatogr A, 2020, 1619, 460935(一区)
3、Feng Huo, Pran Gopal Karmaker, Yuhang Liu, Bin Zhao,* and Xiupei Yang*, Preparation and Biomedical Applications of MulticolorCarbon Dots: Recent Advances and Future Challenges, Part. Part. Syst. Charact. 2020, 1900489(二区)
4、Feng Huo,Yuhang Liu,Mingguang Zhu,En Gao,Bin Zhao and Xiupei Yang, Ultrabright Full Color Carbon Dots by Fine-Tuning Crystal Morphology Controllable Synthesis for Multicolor Bioimaging and Sensing, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2019, 11, 27259?27268.(一区)
5、Feng Huo, Yuhang Liu, Yuran Tang, Yongqin Cao, Chao Tan, Feng Yang, Xiupei Yang, Aggregation induced emission of amino-thiol capped gold nanoparticles (GNPs) through metal-amino-coordination, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2019, 183, 110335. (二区)
6、Feng Huo, Wenfei Liang, Yuran Tang,Wei Zhang, Xiaohong Liu, Desheng Pei,Huabin Wang, Weijiao Jia, Panpan Jia & Feng Yang, Full-color carbon dots with multiple red-emission tuning: on/off sensors, in vitro and in vivo multicolor bioimaging, J Mater Sci, 2019,54, 6815-6825. (二区)
7、Feng Huo, Ze Kang, Mingguang Zhu, Chao Tan, Yuran Tang, Yuhang Liu, Wei Zhang, Metal-triggeredfluorescence enhancement of multicolor carbon dots in sensing and bioimaging, Opt. Mater, 2019, 94, 363–370. (三区)
8、Feng Huo, Yuran Tang, Yuhang Liu, Chao Tan, Lin Chang,Zakaria Mirzaand Wei ZhangHigh-Purity Carbon Dots Prepared by ModulatingMorphology of Carbon Nano-Crystals:In VitroandIn VivoMulti-Color Bioimaging,Nano,Vol. 14, No. 12 (2019) 1950150 (15 pages).
9、Feng Huo, Yushu Wang, Chao You, Wenqing Deng, Feng Yang and Yuan Pu, Phase- and size-controllable synthesis with efficient photocatalytic activity of ZnS nanoparticles, J Mater Sci, 2017,52:5626–5633. (二区)
10、Feng Huo, et al, Dynamic and in-situ analysis of mitochondrial redox(H2O2/GSH)in single-cell based on integrated microfluidic device, Anal. Chem., Revised 2021. (一区)
11、A traffic light-type sensitive visual detection of mercury by golden nanoclusters mixed withfluorescein. Microchemical Journal, 2018,141, 163–169.
12、Research advance of the relationshio between fat mass and obesity associated gene and obesity, Chinese Journal of Animal Nutrition, 2017, 29(3).
13、金属硫化物量子点的物理性质及其在肿瘤光热治疗中的研究, 军事医学, 2016.12,第40卷12期。
14、Dual wavelength fluorescence detector for capillary electrophoresis by pulsing a single bi-colour light emitting diode,Analyst, 2011,136(11): 2234-2241.
15、Multi-wavelength light emitting diode array as an excitation source for light emitting diode-induced fluorescence detection in capillary electrophoresis, ELECTROPHORESIS, 2010(31): 2589-2595.
16、Pulsed multi-wavelength excitation using fiber-in-capillary light emitting diode induced fluorescence detection in capillary electrophoresis,Talanta 2010 (83): 521-526.
17、Enhanced Indirect Fluorescence Detection of p-Nitrophenol, 2,4-dinitrophenol and Trinitrophenol by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography with in-column optical fiber LED-induced Fluorescence Detection, Anal. Sci. 2011, 27(9), 879-884.
18、Sensitivity enhancement of fluorescence detection in CE by coupling and conducting excitation light with tapered optical fiber.ELECTROPHORESIS,2011,32,268-274.
19、A simple and sensitive CE method for the simultaneous determination of catecholamines in urine with in-column optical fiber light-emitting diode-induced fluorescence detection, Talanta, 2011, 85, 1279-1284.
20、Preparation and characterization of Ti/SnO2-Sb2O3/Nb2O5-PbO2 thin film as electrode material for the degradation of phenol, J. Hazar Mater,2009,164, 367-373.(一区)
21、Preparation and application of an immunoaffinity column based on an antibody with strong affinity and packing material with good stability, Food Addit Contama. 2013,30(5), 853-860.
1、用于检测细胞迁移的微流控芯片,ZL201510852105.4 ,发明专利,授权;2018
9、一种多红光发射调谐全色碳点及其制备方法和应用,ZL 201811478993.8,发明专利,公布实审。2019,授权;